Group Coaching vs. 1:1 Coaching
On screen, the two types of coaching seem similar. Both provide support and accountability, so you can show up with a goal in mind – a place or space you want to reach in your career – but for whatever reason that bright shiny spot remains elusive. Hiring a professional coach is about taking a stand for yourself. My clients are creative, smart, professional, and purposeful. They are unique in their ambitions, but strikingly similar in how critical they are of themselves. They all have their own vision for what they want their creative contribution or professional impact to be. They also share a common tendency of creative professionals to get in their own way.
Often these self-imposed barriers aren’t obvious but having another creative professional who acknowledges who they are and where they’re trying to go immediately provides a sense of relief and safety. Sometimes simply repeating back to someone what they’ve just shared, is an immensely powerful act. That’s when insight is palpable, and motivation is born.
One to One Coaching
These clarifying moments can come in a one-on-one conversation. Having complete focus on your greatest intentions and your biggest vulnerabilities is a rare opportunity that allows for deep trust and with that permission to explore and activate what you want your life and work to be. Clients who choose individual coaching value the absolute confidentiality and security that’s possible in this work. They can say, feel, be however they need to be to get to the truth of and next steps toward their ultimate goals.
Group Coaching
What’s so cool about group coaching is that individuals arrive with similar challenges and it only takes one session to realize this. There’s a different kind of relief that’s experienced in group coaching sessions. Not only is there no criticism of whatever you did or didn’t achieve or experience before the session, but it’s quickly evident that everyone who has shown up – no matter what field they may work in – is dealing with similar frustrations and internal conflicts.
From this shared experience, comes a noticeable sense of compassion among clients who work together that’s inspiring. I have been encouraged by the mutual respect and empathy that quickly develops among clients. This witnessing by each member of the group is as valuable as the coaching practice itself. And I think this is the gift of group coaching – that instant sense of connection and identification among a diverse group of individuals. Often, they’ll continue to meet regularly after our program has ended to benefit from shared support and successes.
Options to Consider
One-on-one coaching is available for 6-month and 12-month engagements and we offer a group coaching experience every quarter. If you’re considering either of these, I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to call or text 404 275 1649.