
I believe in creativity, collaboration, and the importance of making a positive impact. And it's so much fun to do these things in partnership with cool, smart, fun co-creators. Here are a few of my favorites.

Jodi Hersh, A Smartist

A renaissance woman, Jodi is the consummate creator. Founder of Orange Star Design, she is so much more than a graphic designer. She is an artist, strategist, and a serial entrepreneur. She is also a very fine human being who I’ve had the privilege of working with through numerous creative campaigns, including her pet project, LiveLoveDogs.

Lisa Sinicki, Writer, Artist, Illustrator & a Great Wit

Lisa is the wrangler of content and my go-to Editor. She runs a business that includes writing, PR, and ridiculously fun art. If you are seeking any of the above and/or are in the mood to be amused, then please visit her site now.

Gina Howell, CPCC, ACC

One of my favorite coaches. One of my favorite people. I am so happy and grateful to have Gina as a co-facilitator in my Group Coaching Programs. She lights up the room with her energy, warmth, and insight. Check out her practice here.